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New Bank Legal Documentation project for BizSmart

JUNE 2021

Another Bank has been added in the client list of BizSmart. The new system, which allows the Legal Department of the Bank to optimize the legal documentation work, both with internal and external legal personnel, by providing a clear, easy-to-use mechanism for streamlining tasks of the personnel involved, reducing the time needed to serve the Bank Customer.

Clear reporting views help the managerial team of the Bank to identify issues and solve them by modifying the processes, if so required.

The project is at the final stages of acceptance and is expected to be going live within the next weeks.

New features for BizSmart

JULY 2021

BizSmart was so far able to communicate with its users by either the available responsive web interface, that identifies and notifies of pending tasks or by the use of a mail mechanism.

Other notification capabilities have now been added to the platform, allowing BizSmart to notify process participants either by SMS or by a Viber message, further enhancing the usability of the system.